

YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES! The air horn sounds. The dodgeballs are lined up in the center of the field.

You race to get one, but are cautious of the other players so you are not hit by one of the balls from them, which will take you out of the game. The last person standing wins the game ! ! !

What is it Like?

Projectile Pain
Skill Level

Pricing per person*

1 Game – $10
2 Game Pack – $18
3 Game Pack – $25
All games are 10 minutes long.

*Part of Mix and Match

Gel Blaster
Lazer Tag
Dart Wars

How to Play

Ages 7+ At the beginning of a dodgeball game, the balls are lined up on the central dividing line. The referee blows the start whistle and players then simultaneously rush towards the center line and try to grab one of the dodgeballs.

When a player has been hit by a dodgeball and no one catches it before it becomes “dead”, that player has been eliminated and must move to his team’s designated sideline area. To regain entrance to the game, a teammate must catch a thrown ball.

Players re-enter in the order they were out. The game is over when no opponents are left, or when the ten minutes have elapsed. Here, the last person standing wins ! ! !

If the game has a winner before the 10 minutes has elapsed, a second game will begin.

Equipment Required

The only equipment needed is the dodgeballs. They are all included in this sport.

Important Information

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