Lazer Wars Overview

Around you everything is glowing…your surroundings seem unfamiliar…the music begins… suddenly you feel you may have been abducted by aliens and placed in an observation room when FLASH, a red beam of light comes directly at you!

The game of laser tag, also called Lazer Wars, begins in a 5000 square foot playing arena. Your opponent appears through the black light illumination. With a maximum of 30 players, points are scored through the targets on their vests and the 5 stand up bases to claim victory! Take cover behind the glow-in-the-dark partitions or take aim from the top of a ramp, however you choose to play, the rush of adrenaline is sure to please!

What is it Like?

Projectile Pain
Skill Level

Lazer Wars Lazer Pricing

Pay by the Game/Prices are per person (All games are 10 minutes long)
1 – $10 | 2 – $18 | 3 – $25 | 4 – $32 | 5 – $38

Make it MIX-N-Match! Tickets purchased for this activity can be used during normal field hours in any combination for these activities:

Lazer Wars / Gel Blasters / Dodgeball / Dart Wars

How to Play

Ages 5+. Players aim at illuminated targets on their opponent’s vest, and shoot the phaser’s laser light beam to score points. The laser light has no feeling to the opponent, but when hit, their vest will be inoperable for 5 seconds.

The playing area is interactive with home bases that will shoot a laser beam at you & deduct points. The object is to score the most points. Typically, when playing in large groups, your group will play the first round of laser tag one-on-one.

Then, two teams will be formed, and the next two games will be played team vs. team.

Equipment Required

All required equipment for this game (phaser gun and fiber-optic illuminated vest) is included.

  • Lazer Wars phaser gun
  • Fiber-optic vest

Important Information

For Your Safety

Prior to entering the arena, a staff member will escort you to our safety briefing area where you will watch a 3 minute video, listen to a thorough explanation of the game rules, and learn about arena safety and how to use the equipment.

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